What I Learned This Week- FIREFLY 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

So Firefly was the most a-mae-zing experience. Never have I seen such a colorful group of people. Reflecting on it puts such a smile on my and on my heart because not only did I get to hear and see some of my favorite bands and share my vision of Mae Movement with thousands of people, but I was with the people that I love most.

Granit I see them almost everyday, but there was something different about working Firefly with them. It was like going to battle. Up at 6am… well 2:30 in my case and home by 3 am. We did this from Thursday to Sunday. Tired? Yes, extremely.

With my sleeping disorder I cannot help but go into a state of sarcastic snappiness. In my head I know I sound awful, but it’s as if I have no control over. Dee always says she has to love me through it. My best friend in the entire world Ali has to deal with me too. I love her more than she will ever know and the fact that she stuck it out put up with me and worked all weekend shows her strength and I know she loves me and my family or she wouldn’t do it. Then there is Jordan, my boyfriend, who drove down Friday and sat in 6 hours of traffic before turning around to go home. That alone would make me not want to attempt the drive again. However he finished work on Saturday and headed back down to Firefly.  He worked with us till 1 am and then did it again Sunday and was there to help us breakdown our setup and load it all up in to the car. He and Ali both did an A-Mae-zing job sharing the Mae Movement story. I was so prod of them, I felt like all of us and of course Dee were such a team!

It really Mae-ks you appreciate the people in your life. No one said Ali and Jordan had to work and help me out but they did and that mover’s is love.  There were plenty of times throughout the weekend where we wanted to call it quits, pack up and go home. We were so tired at some points through out the day that when we were telling people about the bracelets we accidentally said they were from France! Needless to say we were kicking on caffeine and the realization that the longer we stayed awake and worked the closer we were to sleep again. 

Working together Mae-d us all closer. It Mae-d me appreciate the people in my life and the opportunities God has blessed me with. Now this is only a fraction of why this past Firefly weekend was A-MAE-ZING but I wanted to share with everyone that for the people in your life that mean the most to you, the next time you see them give them a hug and let them know how much they mean to you. You will Mae-k their day, I promise.