Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy February! 
 Ok so it is obviously Love month, where everybody thinks about valentines day and romance...awww.
However! Here at Mae Movement! We are turning the tables! You can not love someone else properly, if you do not love your self first. I do not mean stare at yourself in the mirror forever. I mean do things that will better yourself! take care of yourself! That is what it truly means to love yourself! 
So lets just dive right in!

I get asked all the time, “What Keep’s you do determined.”  “How do you stay thoroughly consistent.” Now most of the time they are referring to my diet and exercise but recently it has also been about life in general. Which is great because Mae Movement’s vision is to appeal to everyone even if your nut a health nut! Although that is not to say I won’t try to convert you ;)

I struggle with staying motivated too, there are some days when I just want to sit on the couch and read a book. The last few weeks Dee has had my car, meaning I am stuck in the city unless she or Dad comes to get me. It has been a humbling experience and I had to cooperate. I thought I would back slide completely and to be honest it did take a week to get use too it. We should be able to be flexible though and it should not distract you from perusing you goals and your best self. I had to evaluate, the situation and myself. Figure out something’s that was temporally different. Learn from them and make them better.

1.     ROUTINE. Not having a car broke my usual daily flow of get up, have breakfast, drive to the gym, work, etc. I became very aware of how having a set schedule is key for productivity.
2.     CONVENIENCE. If you live in the Mid-Atlantic you know just how cold it has been lately. Running outside has not been much of option for me, with the snow and ice.  And No car, means no gym.  That is like taking away oxygen to me, I have had to find alternatives, but in all honesty it made it much harder for me to want to work out because it was different and lets face it change is uncomfortable.  I started jump roping in my apartment and used my Toneitup workout DVD. Convenient? Yes. Don’t have to think about getting to a gym, being out in the cold. Its there, whenever. Done. Easy. Sometimes when we are teaching ourselves to be more disciplined giving ourselves a convenient option can help us achieve our long-term goals because it helps you too at least start!
3.      SELF TALK. Oh yes, I talk about it all the time. It is so true though. I noticed the BIGGEST difference when I would wake up and say “oh my gosh, I cant go to the gym, I cant run (insert anxious thoughts), verses “Ok, I cant change the fact I don’t have car, how can I make the best of it.” Those daily affirmation’s, make the biggest difference! Do not Focus on the problem, Concentrate on the solution.  Still dedicate time for physical movement even if you put your headphones in and dance…. Yes I do that.

Now like I said I use exercise as my metaphor but if you are a student, and you miss a class or your teacher changes your exam schedule or your boss at work changes deadlines on you. Or perhaps last minute you have a business trip or a meeting all the way across town. One big one people say to me all the time is, “ I started a diet, but then we went on vacation, so I blew it.” Or “I didn’t have a healthy option for lunch, so I ate junk at dinner too.”
When your flow breaks it is frustrating but I believe this little checklist is a great reminder that before we panic when things change and break our flow, we need to stop. Breathe, and adjust our situation to make it work. Do not let the change take over, YOU are in CONTROL!

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